Enjoy Your Beautiful Life

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Grounded Dreams: Finding Light in the Depths of Uncertainty

As I share my story, I want you to imagine being on a ship, crossing from Florida to Spain, and planning a road trip into Bosnia with a friend for a spring adventure in 2020. Sounds dreamy, right? Well, it was until the unforeseen storm hit— the pandemic.

This story isn’t just about me – it’s about all of us navigating through a time when things got really tough. But I am sharing this with you to explain how I dealt with these challenges and tried to find my way back. 

Stranded in Uncertainty:

Arriving in Barcelona, life took a surreal turn. Stranded at sea, regulations forced us to leave Spain without a clear destination. The world seemed to pause, vessels searching for refuge. After days in the Strait of Gibraltar, our anchor found a hold in South Hampton, UK.

I spent 10 days on the ship before being flown back to Canada, and the world I returned to was drastically different. London Gatwick airport resembled a scene from a Sci-Fi movie, with hazmat suits, bootie covers, and face shields (before it became a thing) creating an eerie atmosphere.

From Dream to Reality Check:

I was living my dream life, surrounded by friends, cultures, and the excitement of new destinations. Now, I found myself stuck — not in the adventure I had envisioned but in my childhood bedroom, grappling with uncertainty and the new normal of a 14-day quarantine.

The Dark Days:

Summer turned to fall, leaves fell, rain came, and the weather cooled. The vibrant life I once knew became a distant memory. Depression set in, and the challenge I faced during this time was unparalleled. Stuck with my thoughts and nowhere to go, it was a lonely and dark period.

The Turning Point:

Acknowledging the need for change, the pivotal moment came with a stark realization – “I think you are depressed. Maybe we should make a doctor’s appointment and get you some medication.” However, I was determined to find my path to healing to overcome this challenge without medication.

The turning point began with a simple walk. I looked up at the clear blue sky among the bare trees and fallen leaves of fall. A small smile cracked, and I felt immense gratitude at that moment. This was where my healing journey began.

The Clarity of Change:

With a lot to work through, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery. The pandemic pause forced me to confront my inner darkness and find the strength within. It wasn’t an easy path, but it was a necessary one.

We’re on this journey together, so let’s think about how taking a closer look at ourselves can be a superpower when things get really tough. It’s like we’re exploring the inside to find strength and answers during these super challenging times. 

As I have shared my experience with you, I want to ask: What changes did this period bring to your life? What big realizations did you have? Have you made any big changes since that time?

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