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A Spontaneous Journey to Iguazu Falls: Two Sides, One Epic Adventure

Some of the best adventures happen when you least expect them. While lounging on the beautiful sands of Morro de São Paulo, a friend and I bumped into another familiar face from the Nomad Cruise. We were grabbing a refreshing açaí when the idea sparked. The three of us, standing in the Brazilian sun, decided that Iguazu Falls would be the perfect next adventure before Christmas.

With a few clicks and excited chatter, the plan quickly came together. We booked flights from Salvador to the Brazilian side of Iguazu, ready to explore one of the world’s most stunning natural wonders. Little did I know how epic this trip would be!

Touchdown in Iguazu: Argentina, Here We Come

We arrived on the Brazilian side of Iguazu, buzzing with excitement. From there, we hopped in a taxi and crossed the border into Argentina, where we would stay for the next few days. I was particularly excited about Argentina—not just for the falls, but because I could finally communicate more easily with my basic Spanish. After weeks of fumbling with Portuguese in Brazil, speaking Spanish felt like a relief.

Our first night in Argentina, we decided to dive into the local culture with a traditional BBQ. We were welcomed with warm “¡Bienvenidas!” and plates piled high with different cuts of meat. But here’s the lesson—always ask clarifying questions. Not every cut suited my taste or stomach, and I found myself facing many dishes that I passed on. It was another lesson learned!

Exploring Iguazu Falls: The Argentinian Side

The next morning, we set out to explore Iguazu Falls from the Argentinian side. Words can hardly describe the beauty we saw. Each turn along the paths revealed a new, breathtaking view of the falls. Rainbows appeared in the mist, and the roar of the water surrounded us. We spent hours wandering the trails, soaking in every angle, each one more impressive than the last.

That evening, we explored the small village of Puerto Iguazu. The relaxed vibe of the village was perfect after a day of adventure. Strolling through the streets, grabbing a bite to eat, and reflecting on the magic of the falls made the day complete.

Adventure Under the Falls: A Thrilling Boat Ride

The second day brought even more excitement. We decided to take the boat ride under the falls—a real adrenaline rush! The power of the water crashing above us, the sheer size of the falls towering overhead, and the thrill of being so close was incredible. It’s absolutely one of those must-do experiences if you’re ever at Iguazu. We laughed, screamed, and got completely soaked, but it was worth every second.

The Brazilian Side: A Different Perspective

On our final day, we headed back to the Brazilian side of the falls. We were determined to see Iguazu from all angles. And wow—what a difference a side makes! While the Argentinian side gave us an immersive, up-close experience, the Brazilian side offered sweeping panoramic views that were equally stunning. It was like seeing the falls from a whole new perspective. The experience reminded me how the same place can offer completely different experiences, depending on where you stand.

It was a perfect reflection for life too. How often do we see things from one side, without realizing another perspective could change everything? This trip taught me to always seek out other angles, both in travel and in life.

A Quick Stop at the Aviary

Before leaving the Brazilian side, we stopped at a nearby aviary. While I had hoped for an immersive bird experience, it felt more like a zoo than the open aviary I imagined. This stop didn’t quite fit the rest of the adventure and could have been skipped.

Accommodation & Onward to Rio

We opted for Airbnbs on both sides of the falls, which gave us a cozy and convenient base to explore from. We also opted to use taxis for optimal flexibility. After three unforgettable days at Iguazu, we packed our bags and hopped on a flight to Rio, just in time for Christmas. Another adventure awaited, but Iguazu Falls would remain etched in my memory as a place of beauty, thrill, and reflection.

Final Thoughts

Iguazu Falls was a spontaneous adventure that exceeded all expectations. From navigating cultural dining experiences to the thrill of standing beneath one of nature’s most powerful forces, this trip reminded me to stay open to new perspectives. If you ever visit Iguazu, I highly recommend exploring both the Argentinian and Brazilian sides. It’s the best way to fully appreciate the wonder of the falls.

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